The Buzz Newsletter (December 2022)
As 2022 comes to a close, I’d like to take a moment to thank all of you for your support and partnership. Successful technology and consulting projects are rooted in strong relationships, and we value the long-term collaboration and connections we have with so many clients.
While the economic landscape has created some caution, we see many firms making fresh investments for 2023 and beyond.
That’s because the drivers for innovation and efficiency — the pull of the cloud, the need to control costs, the challenges of managing risk, the opportunities to enhance analytics to deliver new value to management and practitioners, and escalating security concerns — create constant pressures that aren’t going anywhere.
As you make plans for 2023, remember that our (growing) team of technologists, business analysts, attorneys, and and project managers is ready to assist you and your firm in defining and executing projects on time and on budget.
So if any of these topics strike a chord, I encourage you to reach out.
President and Founder
Director of Operations
IG Insight
ARTICLE: Why More Software Options are Good News for Law Firms and Means Better Information Governance
InOutsource founder and president Nancy Beauchemin explores why law firms are taking a hard look at retention of electronic information, and why InOutsource has expanded the IG/RM software partners we work with.
Law firms who have worked with InOutsource since the early days know that we have always put your needs first. In consulting engagements, we try to make the best assessment possible of your unique needs and help you find the software that will work best in your environment.

IG INNOVATION: LegalRM Partnership & Resources
Further expanding our roster of technology partners, this year, we established a new partnership with LegalRM, focusing on supporting adoption of its information governance and records management platform: iCompli.
That team has recently hosted webinars several critical IG topics. See recordings for details:

CASE STUDY: Husch Blackwell on Elevating IG
As part of a broad IG strategy that has included consolidation of offsite storage for 23 offices under a single vendor and the adoption of modern records management software, Husch Blackwell has turned to InOutsource to support several strategic initiatives.
In this case study, Jordan McKee, Associate Director of Information Governance, highlights our joint efforts to address technical issues including data cleansing, data de-duplication, and consolidation of transaction history.
And she describes the steps that Husch Blackwell went through to consolidate its physical records data to reduce costs and risks, improve productivity, and elevate the role of the Information Governance within the firm.

Intapp In Sight
WEBINAR: Perspectives on Navigating the Intapp Cloud Migration Journey

VIDEO NOW AVAILABLE — “OnePlace Risk & Compliance: Navigating the Cloud Migration Journey”
InOutsource Director of Operations, Eric Mosca, is featured significantly in this Intapp panel on migration to the Intapp Cloud. Contact us to continue the discussion about the importance of data mapping and understanding how data flows through your law firm, in preparation for your cloud migration. Watch the video on-demand here:
InOutsource Innovation
Audit Letter Response Workflow Management
Most firms that receive audit letters rely on manual processes that are inefficient and create an unwelcome burden for lawyers and staff.
Using the InOutsource solution for audit letter response, risk teams can execute this critical process more efficiently while minimizing the overhead and interruption lawyers experience with legacy, manual methods.
This purpose-built software solution that integrates key historical information, automates key workflows, and centralizes review and reporting. The end result is that your audit letter responses are delivered to clients faster, and with less burden to your operations team and to your lawyers.

TRAINING: Risk E-Learning from InOutsource
Nectar, our online Learning Management System (LMS), accelerates risk staff training and development, with centralized, standardized learning tools and information that can be mapped to your firm’s specific needs.
Coursework includes extensive conflicts and compliance education, as well as broader context on law firm operations and fundamentals.
Nectar’s online resources include personalized learning materials, configurable learning plans and syllabi, testing and evaluation tools, and progress tracking and reporting.

Serious Security — A New Partnership
LAW FIRM INFORMATION SECURITY: InOutsource Partners with Cyderes Expanding Security Relationships and Resources
In our discussion with law firms, we consistently see security issues commanding significant attention. And a consistent theme we’ve heard is that organizations want relationships with multiple security consultants, to gain access to a variety of perspectives, advice and technical resources.
To help connect our clients with the best resources, we have recently formed a partnership with Cyderes. Security experts. This team of security experts has worked with several law firms in areas including:
- Assessment, capacity, strategic planning, advisory/consulting activities
- Responding to client RFPs and audits
- Breach and incident response
- Compliance pursuit/certification
- Supplementing in-house security staff

Fresh Buzz About Our Web(site)
OUR NEW WEBSITE: Clearer Insight on InOutsource
We do more than implement software: We implement insight. This year we redesigned and expanded our website to help you better understand all the ways we support our clients.
It also received a bit design do-over. (We always prioritize substance over style. But we were definitely happy to receive compliments from many of you!)
One page we’re particularly proud of is our client feedback page. We work with a large variety of firms and stakeholders. See what they have to say about us in their own words:
Click to See More

Beeswax (Industry Insight)

ENABLERS Act: Enhance your risk and compliance management
Nigel Riley, Intapp’s general manager for risk and compliance solutions, reminds us to pay close attention to the unfolding enhancements Congress is making to AML rules. His article reviews details of the impending changes, and offers advice on how to prepare sound response strategies.

The Trouble with Retention and Disposition
Where is the best place to start, if you want to implement retention and disposition of electronic records at your law firm?
The LegalRM team explores key #informationgovernance considerations in ILTA Peer to Peer magazine.

You’re running conflicts checks on your law firm’s marketing content before publishing it, right?
“Are you and your law firm running conflicts checks on your and your colleagues’ thought-leadership marketing content? Yes, really, I am talking about running conflicts checks on your and your colleagues’ blog posts, bylined articles, and client alerts before they’re published.
“If you are not running conflicts checks on this marketing content, you and your law firm run the risk of that content coming back to bite both of you in the rear in two distinct ways.”

CONFLICTS: Conflicts Hints and Appearances Alleged — The New Yorker on “Hospice Hustle”
AML IN FOCUS: AML & Enablers Act + Law Firm Implications
INFORMATION RISK: Law Firm Malpractice/Cyber Insurance & Inadvertent Disclosure Risk
INTAKE & LATERALS: Risk Rules Reviewed — Entertainment “Conflict” Update (aka MSG Tickets Master Matter)
The Bee's Knees
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