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ARTICLE: The Reckoning: A Strategic Approach to Cost Containment in Retention
IAre you doing all you can to control soaring costs? (Maybe. Maybe not.)
This article discusses a multi-pronged approach to cost containment in records management and retention.
Over the years, we’ve helped many firms reduce costs and get the most out of their vendors in records and information management. Read on for insight into strategies and best practices for reducing costs (for your firm and your clients).

THE HIVE MIND: Ballard Spahr + Qlik
InOutsource Delivering Analytical Insight
The has selected the Qlik Sense Enterprise business intelligence platform for data visualization. Said Lisa Mayo, Director of Data Management:
“The InOutsource team has been a joy to work with as we developed proofs of concept to share with various groups of users. InOutsource’s understanding of data cleansing processes has been tremendously valuable, and has helped us to get more out of our historical data and better insights from our BI tools.”

Towards a more “professional” services firm
Howard Janis was recently featured in this engaging interview, describing how he’s working in his new role to implement new levels of management and organization change.
Read about his perspective on affecting change, including improving records retention and disposition (collaborating with InOutsource and FileTrail).

ON AND OFF THE RECORD: Nelson Mullin Knows Too
On RFPs, Business Development, Information Governance and Records Management
John Churchill explains how client RFPs are raising the profile and importance of records management for winning new business.
The short version: “As a result, the role of Records Management has become more prominent. The attorneys, Risk and General Counsel all value what we do now.”
And for more detail on Nelson Mullins’ “trail blazing” FileTrail journey, see their case study.

Beeswax (Industry News)
Time for Law Firms to Bet Bolder on Data
In The American Lawyer, Jennifer Roberts of Intapp argues that firms are starting to make better use of data analytics to help drive business — and that hiring data scientists can improve profitability and client satisfaction.
Moving Law firm IG Into the Future
Darrell Mervau from FileTrail writes in ABA Law Practice Today about the pressures pushing firms to invest in sophisticated IG programs, and how they’re responding in practice.
Hogan Lovells Invests in Records & IG
Am Law top 10 and leading global law firm Hogan Lovells selected FileTrail to replace its legacy records management system and enable new levels of information governance across the firm.
The firm cited IG policy and OCG compliance as key drivers, along with plans to implement automated retention/disposition processes and take advantage of advanced matter mobility capabilities.
AI is the latest buzzword making waves. But is it really? And is it real? (It’s been reported that 40% of startups claiming to be using AI are being a little too “artificial” with their marketing…) ILTA and the Blickstein Group are investigating, planning to publisher a report prior to ILTACON 2019 that will separate the hype and hyperbole from hard facts. The report aims to review 60 AI-infused solutions and how well they perform. We’re looking forward to reading the results.
Swarm (Connect Live @ Events)
We’ll be attending several ILTA Roadshows presented nationally over the next few months:
ILTA ROADSHOW: Today, stricter client demands and tougher industry standards are placing new pressures on law firms to enhance their information governance capabilities and practices. With clients asking for increasingly detailed information on how firms apply, review and manage policies internally.
RFPs are now asking for very detailed information on Information Governance practices. This coupled with the increase in client mobility and lawyer movement has added to the burden on resources. How will firms meet the overarching IG demands from their clients. How can firms automate, client and lawyer mobility, manage Outside Counsel Guidelines, and have tools to centrally manage policies and apply them across the enterprise?
Washington DC (April 23)
Kansas City (April 24)
Chicago (April 25)
New York (May 9)
Miami (May 15)
Atlanta (May 16)
Denver (May 29)
Seattle (May 30)
Intapp Invitation: “Join your peers and industry experts at Intapp Connect and learn how delivering modern experiences, and overall value will set your firm apart for both your clients and also your employees. Be inspired exploring best practices, trends, technology and solutions at this unique event program.”
We all had such an amazing time at the last Intapp user conference, we know Connect 19 is sure to delight all comers. If you’re attending, make sure to connect live with our team in New York!
Learn More and Register
(Complimentary registration code: TWITTERVIP)
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