The Buzz Newsletter (July 2022)

A Note from Nancy

As we approach the halfway mark of 2022, and the world starts to recover from unprecedented disruption, our entire team is focused on client connection.

We’re eagerly preparing for ILTACON 2022, looking forward to reconnecting with many of you in person in National Harbor, Maryland, in August. If you’re planning to attend, we’d love to book some time to catch up.

Our team is also preparing several briefings and educational sessions. We’ll be sharing more about topics and sessions shortly, in a dedicated “ILTABUZZ” update.

In the meantime, I’m pleased to share the new resources below, which highlight our work and general developments in areas including: IG/Risk Consulting, Intapp, and Analytics Solutions.

This year, we’ve grown our team nearly 20%, across all practice areas. So if any of these topics strike a chord, I encourage you to reach out — we’ve built the capacity to deliver success at scale for our clients.

With warmest regards,
— Nancy Beauchemin (She/Her) 
President and Founder
Client Perspectives

CASE STUDY: Husch Blackwell on Elevating IG

As part of a broad IG strategy that has included consolidation of offsite storage for 23 offices under a single vendor and the adoption of modern records management software, Husch Blackwell has turned to InOutsource to support several strategic initiatives.

In this case study, Jordan McKee, Associate Director of Information Governance, highlights our joint efforts to address technical issues including data cleansing, data de-duplication, and consolidation of transaction history.

And she describes the steps that Husch Blackwell went through to consolidate its physical records data to reduce costs and risks, improve productivity, and elevate the role of the Information Governance within the firm. 

Click to Read

CLIENT PERSPECTIVE: Orrick on InOutsource + Intapp

Michael Guernon, Senior Global Director, Intake for Risk and Compliance at Orrick, shares his perspective on working with InOutsource.

Areas that InOutsource supports for the firm include new business intake, risk management, conflicts, compliance, and data governance.

Read the complete article to understand why Mike says: “Whenever we need to stand up new software versions or new products in the intake and conflicts space, our first call is always to InOutsource.”

Click to Read Mike’s Perspective

Intapp — Insight & Events

Intapp Perspective: The Transition of Query Integration to Data Sets

Intapp has announced a phased plan to “sunset” the use of Query Integration for most data integrations in OnePlace Risk & Compliance (OPRC), which comprises Intake, Conflicts, Terms, and Workflow Automation (formerly “Flow”) product lines.

For firms seeking to better understand this change and its implications for their Intapp environment and solution portfolio, Eric Mosca of InOutsource shares his insight along with practical guidance. As one of the first Intapp services partners to implement Intapp Cloud solutions, InOutsource is uniquely positioned to advise on key considerations and best practices for a smooth transition.

Click to Read More

Webinar on Navigating Intapp Query Integration and Accelerating Cloud Migration

Given his significant work on Intapp Cloud migrations and the Query Integration challenge, Eric Mosca has been invited to be a featured speaker at Intapp’s upcoming webinar:

OnePlace Risk & Compliance Cloud Migrations: Partner Perspectives on Navigating the Journey

At this webinar, panelists will share their experience, advice, recommendations and tips for navigating the journey ahead.

Click to Read More & Register

InOutsource Innovation

Audit Letter Response Workflow Management

Most firms that receive audit letters rely on manual processes that are inefficient and create an unwelcome burden for lawyers and staff.

Using the InOutsource solution for audit letter response, risk teams can execute this critical process more efficiently while minimizing the overhead and interruption lawyers experience with legacy, manual methods.

This purpose-built software solution that integrates key historical information, automates key workflows, and centralizes review and reporting. The end result is that your audit letter responses are delivered to clients faster, and with less burden to your operations team and to your lawyers.

Click to Read More About Our Audit Letter Response Solution

TRAINING: Risk E-Learning from InOutsource

Nectar, our online Learning Management System (LMS), accelerates risk staff training and development, with centralized, standardized learning tools and information that can be mapped to your firm’s specific needs.

Coursework includes extensive conflicts and compliance education, as well as broader context on law firm operations and fundamentals.

Nectar’s online resources include personalized learning materials, configurable learning plans and syllabi, testing and evaluation tools, and progress tracking and reporting.

Click to Learn More and Request a Demonstration

Serious Security — A New Partnership

LAW FIRM INFORMATION SECURITY: InOutsource Partners with Cyderes Expanding Security Relationships and Resources

In our discussion with law firms, we consistently see security issues commanding significant attention. And a consistent theme we’ve heard is that organizations want relationships with multiple security consultants, to gain access to a variety of perspectives, advice and technical resources.

To help connect our clients with the best resources, we have recently formed a partnership with Cyderes. Security experts. This team of security experts has worked with several law firms in areas including: 

  • Assessment, capacity, strategic planning, advisory/consulting activities
  • Responding to client RFPs and audits
  • Breach and incident response
  • Compliance pursuit/certification
  • Supplementing in-house security staff

Click to Learn More

A Sum Greater Than its Parts

InOutsource and Zero Partner

Lawyers are drowning in unfiled and unmanaged emails siloed in their inboxes. Ideally, law firms would maintain accurate and complete client files by promptly filing each email and document into a client/matter workspace within a governed repository such as a document management system. But how can firms manage this effectively without creating endless overhead?

InOutsource is pleased to partner with ZERO Systems, provider of the intelligent email and document management solution, Athena.

Combining our unique IG expertise with Zero’s innovative software creates new opportunities for our joint clients.

Click to Learn More


Pollen & People (New Hire)

OUR GROWING TEAM: Welcome Karen Frazier!

We continue to expand our team to meet growing client demand. To date, we’ve grown practice headcount by nearly 20%, with several positions currently open.

Spotlighting one addition, we recently announced that Karen Frazier has joined our Information Governance Practice as a senior consultant in Integration and Development.

She brings over 25 years of experience in legal technology and operations, including 16 years working at law firms in web and application development, as well as records administration.

Most recently a senior consultant at Epiq, Karen was previously a solutions engineer for Revolution Software, where she worked on development and implementation of Remove, a groundbreaking application for records retention and disposition workflows, bringing data from financial systems, records management systems, document management systems, and network file shares into a single interface.

Remove was acquired by Teravine, Inc. when it acquired Revolution Software in 2017. In 2022, FileTrail announced that it had acquired Teravine and would integrate Provident software into its Governance suite.

Click to Read More

Beeswax (Industry Insight)

Law firm lateral hiring best practices: How better hiring and onboarding processes can help your firm improve retention and ROI

“With 48% of laterals leaving within 5 years, 62% failing to bring their promised book of business, and 35% failing to fit in at the new firm, a robust vetting process is crucial. Creating checklists and building workflows for review and approval — with support from both people and robust software — are critical to ensuring the efficiency and success of your program.”

“A winning strategy for lateral-hire selection and onboarding, coupled with technology that supports success, puts you in a strong position to grow and succeed with law firm lateral hiring.”

Read the Article

A New ISO Standard on Information Governance

This month, the Swiss-based organization that touts representation from 167 countries published a new standard to establish concepts and principles relating to information governance.

In the new ISO Standard 24143:2022 Information and documentation—Information Governance—Concept and Principles, ISO begins by identifying “information” as “a critical asset that is indispensable to support business processes and therefore, a foundation for the success of any business activities.”

Read the Article

Firms are constantly seeking out new ways to address this issue and implement best practices for conducting necessary checks throughout the client and matter opening processes.

This webinar recording features two leading subject matter experts on risk-related issues such as Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) expectations and expanding risk awareness.

  • Emma Oettinger, Head of Financial Crime and Risk Ashurst
  • Amasis Saba, Head of Business Acceptance for U.K., CE, and MENA Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer

Webinar Recording

The Bee's Knees

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Marcia Cook

Sr. Data and Analytics Consultant

Marcia Cook comes to InOutsource with 17 years of IT experience with the last 7 years heavily focused on Business Intelligence and Data Warehouse Development, as well as Data and Analytics solutions. Prior to completing her bachelor’s degree, Marcia also worked as an Executive Assistant for various employers including Micron Technology, American Express, University of Utah, and the United States Army Kwajalein Atoll (USAKA).

Marcia has extensive experience with various Analytics tools including Qlik, Tableau, Sisense, OBIEE, and Domo. She has studied both Kimball and Inmon data warehouse methodologies, Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), and various programming languages including SQL, C++, Java, .NET, and python.

Marcia obtained her Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Science with a minor in Computer Science from University of Alabama in Huntsville.

In addition to work, Marcia has been a college Math tutor for all ages, specializing in general mathematics, algebra, and calculus.