Hear firsthand from InOutsource clients Evan Shenkman (Chief Knowledge & Innovation Officer, Fisher Philips) and Tricia Bond Thomas (Director of Research Services, Akerman) about how our New Case Filing Intelligence (NCFI) solution has significantly streamlined the way they flag and deliver relevant alerts to lawyers.
To help lawyers pursue new client business and stay up-to-date on relevant legal developments, many firms subscribe to specialized feeds providing new case filing data.
But managing that firehose of data in an effective and timely manner creates serious efficiency challenges for library and KM staff.
The overhead and pain associated with this process includes: filtering relevant “needles” from a never-ending alert “haystack,” matching details with firm clients and targets, creating and delivering concise updates to the right internal stakeholders, and making sure necessary follow up occurs.
Having reviewed the practices and needs of over 50 law firms, the InOutsource team has developed a fresh approach to streamlining this process.
Our New Case Filing Intelligence software has been adopted by multiple firms and delivers real results. Attend this webinar to learn how it can help you firm!
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